
Letters to the Editor

The signature drive continues

EDITOR: The Daily Press reported in a headline that the Ralph Blasier recall petition failed. The headline was followed by context that indicated the petition did not have enough signatures for the November election ballot, but readers don’t always read beyond such a decisive headline. ...

Support for Gerry Tatrow

EDITOR: My wife and I decided to retire here in Delta County for a variety of reasons. It was close to our hunting camp of 45 years, it had all the amenities we needed and most importantly, we have met more people and made more friends than the whole time we lived downstate. Here we have ...

Election year craziness

EDITOR: We deal with everything that comes our way. At this time it is a worldwide virus. We can only hope our government is doing everything possible to work to find answers. Is this a manmade virus? Will it ever end, or will a new one replace it? Could a certain country such as China, ...

Why is the city council involved?

EDITOR: I remember, way back when, the state of Michigan voted to allow recreational pot sales. I don’t remember the exact wording on the ballot, but I don’t think the ballot proposal had any stipulations as to “opting out” or “upon city council approval”. I voted against the ...

Microchipping employees

EDITOR: Microchipping has been great for finding lost pets. Cats and dogs that have gone astray have been returned home. Are we to be treated the same as cats and dogs by employers? Apparently our current state representative thinks so and was one of two representatives to vote in favor of ...

Won’t issue citations

EDITOR: These are difficult times for citizens, businesses and law enforcement agencies during this historic pandemic. In order to manage this pandemic, Governor Whitmer has issued 147 executive orders in an effort to curb the death count in our state. Executive Order 147 requires the ...