
Letters to the Editor

Circulating recall petition

EDITOR: I’m writing this letter for a number of reasons. I am the person who filed the recall election petition concerning Councilman Ralph Blaiser. Some people in our community have turned this recall into a political battle. It was never meant to be that. I am not anti-conservative. I ...

Support for Blasier

EDITOR: I agree with and support Ralph Blasier. If someone is attempting to harm my family or is trying to either destroy my property or in some other way, cause me harm, I will do whatever it takes to stop them. I will not stand by and let the rioters (sorry, protesters, peaceful protesters) ...

It’ll never happen

EDITOR: Guilty! I am the guy who occasionally writes a letter to the editor, attempting to encourage everyone’s return to church. Given the times we are currently living in, believing our country has lost its moral compass, many Christians believe we enter times like these because God is ...

Political opportunity for the Big Left

EDITOR: The COVID-19 pandemic, the murder of George Floyd by rogue cops in Minneapolis, and hate for the Orange Man and his supporters has created a perfect storm of political opportunity for the Big Left, and they are pouncing. Remember the famous quote from Rahm Emanuel, former Obama chief ...


EDITOR: This is a copy of an email I sent to Ralph Blasier on June 30, 2020 via his official email address. As of yet I have not received a response from him. Time to resign Mr Blasier. Be a man. Do you really need the money the city pays you each meeting? I don’t feel it is a good use of ...

Saints and sinners

EDITOR: Poor Dr. Blasier. He made a faux pas, social blunder, and his constituents want to remove him from office. My, what an evil man he must be. He made a remark that rioters and looters and those that destroy property to display their anger should be shot in the leg. Although maybe not ...