
Letters to the Editor

Smiles hidden

EDITOR: I’ve made approximately 500 homemade masks — that may qualify me to comment. I’ve given many away to friends, family and neighbors. I sold some for $2, $3, and $5. Getting a little back in return for the hours spent and materials used to assemble. But cash numbers didn’t ...

Bergman against saving USPS

EDITOR: Rep. Jack Bergman voted against the “Delivering for America Act,” The bill passed the U.S. House, Aug. 22, 2020. It prohibited the U.S. Postal Service from making changes to operations or levels of service from those that were in effect on Jan. 1, 2020. In short during the ...

Argument was flawed

EDITOR: While I’ve been an avid reader of the Daily Press for a great many years, seeing Gay Kleikamp’s letter was the first time I felt compelled to write in. I find her entire argument to be flawed and frankly not even on the subject most of the time. She is against pot shops, which is ...

Lymphedema Treatment Act

EDITOR: Especially in light of the COVID-19 pandemic, lymphedema patients must have the medical supplies they need to safely manage their condition at home. The Lymphedema Treatment Act (S.518/H.R.1948) is a bipartisan bill that will improve insurance coverage for medically necessary, ...

Make time to take deer hunt survey

EDITOR: U.P. deer hunters who have not already participated in a recent DNR survey online, asking for hunter input about future changes in deer hunting regulations, have until Aug. 28 to do so. The survey only has six questions, three of which deal with U.P. deer hunting, and only takes a few ...

Put the sign back

EDITOR: Thank you to the Escanaba citizen for your letter to the editor on Aug. 11 regarding the theft of your Trump sign. Sadly, your letter will be able to be used as a template letter many times in the months to come, and it will be used by members of both political parties. Below is your ...