Reading Buddy volunteers sought
ESCANABA — Make a difference in a child’s life this year by becoming a Reading Buddy for the first graders at W.C. Cameron Elementary, the first and second graders at Bark River-Harris Elementary, or the second graders at Rapid River Elementary Schools.
Reading Buddies is a state-award winning Retired and Senior Volunteer Program (RSVP) that matches a Reading Buddy adult volunteer with a student. The program increases positive experiences and reading opportunities for children. Volunteers are being sought for the program. At the same time, the program offers the opportunity for RSVP Volunteers to work together, meet people from the community and help students.
If this sounds like something you, your family or neighbor would be interested in, contact RSVP at 906-786-7080, ext. 112 or 136, or e-mail
The MDS CAA & HRA, Inc. is the local sponsor for The Retired and Senior Volunteer Program. RSVP is funded by AmeriCorps Seniors and the Bureau of Aging, Community Living, and Supports. Reading Buddies Program is funded by the Community Foundation for Delta County, Sackerson Family Charitable Foundation, Hannahville 2% Grant, Escanaba Kiwanis Club, Wells Lions Club, and Rotary Club of Escanaba.