
Americans are ready for serious policy discussions

Former president and current Republican nominee for the White House Donald Trump had a contentious Q and A session Wednesday with the National Association of Black Journalists.

During the event, Trump made several claims about Vice President Kamala Harris’ race, saying “I didn’t know she was Black until a number of years ago when she happened to turn Black and now she wants to be known as Black. So I don’t know, is she Indian or is she Black?”

While this type of thing isn’t new from Trump, who rose to prominence in the American political scene after questioning the authenticity of President Barack Obama’s birth certificate, it seems as if many people are growing tired of this schtick.

Over recent years, identity politics have become a hot topic on both sides of the political aisle and while inflamatory comments may sell newspapers and draw eyes to the evening news, real issues facing American citizens that need to be addressed.

There are no shortage of problems facing the American public. The housing crisis, inflation, global conflicts and ever-increasing prescription medication costs are just a few of the major topics which we should all want our presidential candidates to focus on.

Regardless of if you love Trump or hate him, at least one of these issues are making an impact on your life and they merit the attention of the two individuals who hope to hold the highest office in the country come January.

Ruthless attacks and distractions aren’t what Americans need right now.

We should demand better from legislators at every level of our government, from township zoning boards to the White House.

Focusing on these issues do nothing for the American people and we hope that everyone will start to hold our politicians to a higher standard.

— The Mining Journal


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