
Straight line winds caused storm damage in Gladstone area

GLADSTONE — A line of thunderstorms that produced straight line winds caused damage in several local communities early Wednesday. According to the Marquette National Weather Service (NWS), wind gusts were estimated to be 70 miles per hour, resulting in downed trees and power lines in parts of Escanaba and Gladstone. In total,12 locations were impacted by the storms, including Escanaba, Stephenson, Powers, Cedar River, Hermansville, Bagley, Ford River, Wilson, Spalding, Bark River, Nadeau, and Whitney. The high winds worried some of a potential tornado, but the NWS said that as the evening progressed, the threat of a tornado diminished. Even though the storms did not develop into a tornado, the strong winds caused power issues for hundreds of Delta County residents.

Come Wednesday afternoon, over 800 Delta County residents were without power according to PowerOutage.US. As of 11:01 a.m. Thursday, only two residents remain without power.


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