


Esky Class of 1975 reunion planned ESCANABA — Escanaba High School Class of 1975 is planning its 50th reunion. Classmates are asked to save the date of Saturday, Sept. 27. The event will be held at the House of Ludington. The reunion committee will send out invites by the end of ...

Empathy vs. Primal emotion

While navigating life’s pathways, we encounter clashes within ourselves. They center on our compassion and understanding vs. primal emotions, such as fear, anger, and self-preservation, to name a few. Primal emotions are innate and are designed for self-preservation. They come into play ...

Avoiding unavailable callers

Today’s Sound Off focuses on “unavailable” callers. Dear Heloise: These past couple of months, I have received numerous calls from grifters and phony companies, all asking for donations to some fictitious cause or asking me to sign up for some additional coverage of insurance or ...

Playing it safe vs. Living the dream: can you have both?

Dear Annie: My name is Jess, and I’ve always prided myself on being the “steady one.” I have a good job as a marketing manager, a wonderful husband named “Fred,” and a life that feels stable and predictable. On paper, everything looks perfect. But lately, I can’t shake this ...


Elks to hold brunch ESCANABA — The Escanaba Elks club will be holding its monthly brunch on Sunday, Feb. 9 from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. As always, the public is welcome. Pasties available in Rapid River RAPID RIVER — Pasties are available for pickup at Saint Charles Parish Center, Rapid ...