
Letters to the Editor

Negative ads

EDITOR: I am deeply disappointed by the recent negative advertisements from Jen Hill’s campaign targeting Karl Bohnak. These ads are not only filled with juvenile and misleading attacks, but they also reflect poorly on the kind of leadership Hill represents. Rather than offering concrete ...

Veterans program needs our help

EDITOR: This letter is to draw your attention to an important millage election to benefit those brave men and women of the military who served our country. We have a fantastic Veterans Program that needs our help. The millage request is for 0.10 mills (equal to $0.10 per $1000.00 taxable ...

Voter guide

DEAR VOTER: The League of Women Voters has a proud history in Delta County. We have been providing voter services since 1951. In that time, we have done our best to educate voters. Our citizens, especially, appreciate our candidate forums and printed voter guides. In today’s Daily Press, ...

Reproductive health care

EDITOR: Our children are watching and listening. We teach young people to be kind and compassionate, but also to pay attention to their feelings; is someone makes you feel creepy or icky, stay away. How is there even a contest between a dangerously misogynistic, unstable narcissistic, serial ...

Common sense – not hate

EDITOR: We were born innocent; in need of unconditional care and love. We listen, we learn and thirst for more. Everything we see develops our own unique personality. Welcome to “Human Beings.” Somewhere between right and wrong; emerged a thought process called “Common ...

Get informed

EDITOR: With the general election being just over a month away I encourage voters to get informed on the candidates and how they will represent us for the next four years. You need to know you can cross over political parties on the ballot voting for the person over party. In the Delta County ...