
Letters to the Editor

Political Letters

Letters to the editor pertaining to the November General Election will not be accepted after 4 p.m. on Tuesday, October 22.

Candidate endorsement

EDITOR: As the national election is a huge topic of discussion I hope as you fill out your ballot you will give our local elections attention also. Myra Croasdell is a candidate in District 3 and running as an independent candidate which means that if you want to cast your ballot for her you ...

Friends of the Escanaba Public Library

EDITOR: As we celebrate National Friends of Libraries Week, I would like to take this opportunity to express my deep gratitude and appreciation for the Friends of the Escanaba Public Library. The Friends are a non-profit organization established in 1988 to support and enhance the library. ...

Undecided voters

EDITOR: Most voters have already made up their minds about which candidates they will vote for in the coming election, and the outcome of the election, we are often told, depends on the last minute decisions of the undecided among us.  Considering that point of view, many of the undecideds ...

Veteran millage

EDITOR: This letter is to call your attention to the Delta County Veteran’s Affairs mileage proposal. The County Veteran’s Affairs Office currently has just one certified Veteran’s Service Officer (VSO). From my personal experience, I can say that he has done a great job under difficult ...

The uncommitted voter

EDITOR: It seems prudent that a “last call” be made to the uncommitted voter. If the independent voter is really going to decide the 2024 election, it is best they are armed with the truth. Interestingly, I have heard from the pulpit of both Catholic and Protestant clergy, “deliver the ...