Praise for Escanaba DDA
This week’s bouquets go to:
From Kelli van Ginhoven of Escanaba
As a member of the Downtown Development Authority for the past three years, I would like to share my appreciation for our long time Assistant Director, Judy Schroeder, and our Executive Director, Craig Woerpel.
Judy has been instrumental in the day to day operations of the DDA through multiple director changeovers. If something needs to be found, something needs to be done, someone needs to be contacted, one only needs to ask Judy. She always has the answers. Her vast knowledge of Downtown history cannot be paralleled. The Farmers Market shines because Judy makes sure it does.
Craig has been a Godsend to our DDA. We couldn’t have asked for a better DDA Director to come in at the time he did and effortlessly & graciously follow directives of the board. He continuously supports creative new ideas and has worked hard to expand music & art events. This has led to a reenergized & reinvented downtown atmosphere. In my opinion, Craig takes ‘going above and beyond’ to a new level.
I would also like to share my happiness with each and every DDA meeting. They are time well spent and I love actively participating on this board with my fellow trustees. We have the best group.
‘Thank you’ will never be enough to Judy and Craig. Our Escanaba is better because you’re a part of it. I can’t wait to see what good you bring to our downtown in 2025.
Each Saturday the Daily Press salutes individuals and groups from our area who have had a very positive impact on the way we live.
We identify our bouquet recipients in one of two ways: from Daily Press news pages and from nominations sent in by our readers.
Mail us a postcard or letter identifying your nomination and putting into detail what they’ve done. Include your name, address, and phone number. Send nominations to Saturday Bouquets, The Daily Press, 600 Ludington Street, Escanaba, MI 49829.
They may also be sent to us by going to our Web site,, and clicking on the submit news button. Once there, click on “Bouquets” and follow the simple instructions.