
Last of first-generation Esky-native Saykllys enter 90s

Courtesy photo Marie (Sayklly) Mayville (95) and Don Sayklly (90) are the last two members of the first generation of Saykllys living in Escanaba.

ESCANABA — In the late 1800s, brothers Joseph and George Sayklly left Lebanon on a ship, docking in Canada and then making their way to Escanaba. Both bachelors at the time, they were traveling to Escanaba to join their two sisters, Rose Frenn and Hula Herro, who had already made the long journey. Both sisters were married with families.

In 1906, Joseph opened a general store in the 1300 block of Ludington Street, which later became Sayklly’s Ice Cream and Candy Parlor. Joseph’s daughter, Marie (Sayklly) Mayville, worked at Sayklly’s Candy Store until she retired. She is healthy and 95 years old. The store is currently owned by Jim and Debbie (Mayville) Kirby.

George began work in the Frenn Café on Third Avenue North which was owned by his sister, Rose (Sayklly) Frenn. The café was later renamed the Northwestern Café as it was located across the street from the Northwestern train depot.

George’s son, Don Sayklly, was born in the family home at that same location. Don had three businesses at the café site, spanning three decades. The first business was Mo’s Pizza, which he owned while attending college in Milwaukee. He returned every weekend to open the restaurant on Saturday night only and delivered pizzas with his Model A Ford.

His second business was an antique store and café, and later he ran the eclectic Prophet Café, serving homemade Lebanese food. The building was eventually sold, but continues as a restaurant to this day, currently called Thai’d Up.

Don turns 90 on June 24, 2024 and has volunteered for 26 years with the Senior Companion Program. He currently volunteers four days a week at the LakeHouse in Escanaba.


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