

All Saints to hold open house on Jan. 21

GLADSTONE — All Saints Catholic Church in Gladstone has just completed an extensive renovation. The church is hosting an open house on Sunday, Jan. 21 from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. so that people can see the completed church in person.

Annual Lenten ­breakfast, music event

ESCANABA — The Annual Lenten Breakfast and Musical Program at Immanuel Lutheran Church, 600 South Lincoln Road, in Escanaba, will be held Saturday, Feb. 10, at 9:15 a.m. with the program to follow at 10 a.m. The theme of the program is “Find Your Mission.”

Seating for the breakfast is limited to 200, but program seating is unlimited. Call for your breakfast reservation by Feb. 5 to 906-786-6771 or 906-280-4938. Nursery care will be provided upon request.

The program will include The Remnants, Macy Neumeier, and Kim Webb.

A free will donation for breakfast and musical program will be received at the program. The Immanuel Lutheran Church Women will donate a portion of the proceeds to the Dream Weaver Children’s Museum.

DAR to meet

MARQUETTE — The Onagomingkway Chapter, National Society Daughters of the American Revolution, will hold its monthly meeting on Saturday, Feb. 10, from 2 p.m. until 5 p.m., EDT, at the Big Boy Restaurant, Marquette. The meal will be a la carte.

If you have questions about genealogy and joining DAR, members will be happy to answer them after the meeting.


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