
Gladstone’s Gerow signs with Bay softball

Gladstone senior Rylee Gerow (front row, center) poses for a photo after singing her letter of intent to play softball for Bay College on May 22, 2024 at Gladstone High School. Front row (left to right): Tia Schone, Rylee Gerow, Montgomery Pepin. Back row (L to R): Madison Sundquist, Addie Trombley, Reese Herioux, Allie Larson, Emma Trombley, Lauren Sundquist. ("The Big Dog" Mitch Vosburg/Daily Press)

GLADSTONE –With graduation season in full bloom, countless high school seniors are still figuring out what to do after the graduation cap goes flying in the air.

Gladstone’s Rylee Gerow is one of those young people trying to figure out what’s next. On Wednesday she made it official.

Gerow will play softball for Bay College.

“I don’t really think I’m ready to let go of (softball),” Gerow said. “I’ve been playing since I’ve been a little kid. I’ll regret it if I don’t continue on.”

Gerow was part of the 2019 Gladstone Little League softball team which claimed a state championship and found itself on the brink of the Little League World Series.

Since then it’s been a four-year journey through Gladstone’s high school softball program, including three district championships and a regional title in 2023. After Wednesday doubleheader sweep over Menominee Gerow is batting .364 with six double, two home runs and 34 RBI while drawing 16 walks to 12 strikeouts.

Outside of softball she will study special education at Bay and later transfer to another school.

“I did a lot of volunteering at the Learning Center,” Gerow said. “It really led me to that path.”

Gladstone head coach Rick Pepin described Gerow’s signing as a compliment to the program.

“It’s so deserving because of the time, effort and energy that (Gerow) and her parents have put into this sport,” Pepin said. “She has always been a lead. She’s always been dependable. I’m really happy for her.”


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