
Gladstone baseball falls to G.B. Preble

Gladstone freshman Cooper Sanville stands at the plate against Manistique on April 24, 2024 at Don Olsen Field. (Adam Hinch/Daily Press)

GREEN BAY — Eight days before it hosts district action, Gladstone baseball ventured for one last regular season road game against Green Bay Preble.

The Braves battled for three innings, but suffered an 11-1 loss.

Gladstone junior Isaac Ketchum stayed hot, belting a RBI single in the top portion of the fourth frame to score Gavin Frossard and put the Braves ahead 1-0. The Hornets responded with three runs in their half of the fourth, two in the fifth and six in the sixth.

Ketchum’s knock was the Braves’ lone hit of the game.

Freshman Cooper Sanville took the loss, allowing five runs (one earned) off four hits with four walks and two strikeouts.


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