
Caitlin Clark chasing more scoring records

Caitlin Clark of Iowa has broken the NCAA career scoring record in women’s basketball and could be chasing down more records before the season ends.

Clark has 3,569 points and is averaging 32.8 points per game this season.

UP NEXT: Iowa at Indiana, Feb. 22, 8 p.m., Peacock


Former Kansas star Lynette Woodard holds the women’s major college basketball record with 3,649 points from 1978-81, before the NCAA took over women’s sports from the Association for Intercollegiate Athletics for Women.

Francis Marion’s Pearl Moore has the overall record with 4,061 points from 1975-79 at the small-college level in the AIAW. Moore had 177 of her points at Anderson Junior College before enrolling at Francis Marion.


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