
Vote recommendation

Why is it that every time working people get squeezed with higher utility rates, higher taxes and higher inflation only Republicans seem outspoken against it?

Could it be that if you are a Democrat voter you are more likely to work for a government agency and have received a raise, funded by taxpayers in the private sector?

If you are a Democrat why would you care if your house taxes or water rates go up? Democrats are the vast majority of the ranks of municipal workers or civil servants that receive their wage increases from these same rate hikes.

Could it be that if you are a Democrat you are also likely to be a union worker and perhaps just received a 30 per cent pay raise as a member of the UAW by a protracted strike (extortion)? Of course Democrats don’t care, they are the only ones buying these cars. Them or their union brothers in government and other industries are the only ones that can now afford them.

Could it be that if you are a Democrat you are also more likely to also be a teacher? If a teacher, what do you care if taxes go up? Teachers salaries have been on the receiving end of of pay increases from Governor Whitmer.

Never mind that the government, the education system or Big 3 no longer function effectively. Our city parks are run down, the school systems get worse and the Big 3 cars continue to be second rate. But all three continue to ask for more money and higher pay.

If you want good government that builds parks and not fat government pensions; if you want to end this high inflation so you can still eat tomorrow; or if you demand better education that does not just mean another MEA pay raise for teachers-then vote Republican! We must end the extortion by the Democrats. The COVID era wealth redistribution continues and it benefits Democrats at our expense. It continues to drive up prices and taxes for the private sector working folks.

David Micola


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