
Cheap shots at candidate


I heard of a letter that made the paper recently. Phil Strom’s letter was endorsing a candidate while taking cheap shots at the opponent. Seriously, one would think that after the mess he left in this county that he would go to such lengths. Seeing his name brought back memories of the Rapid River case. Instead of prosecuting, Strom left two abused little girls defenseless. This he did at the taxpayer’s expense, he also ignored Judge Goebel and brought the case to the Appellate Court trying to place the children back in the neglectful abusive home.

The Appellate Court did not appreciate such a waste of their time. After being such an abject failure as prosecutor, Mr. Strom then went on to become the county administrator. Could it be that the cheap shot that Mr. Strom did in his letter to the paper was directed at the person who voted against letting Mr. Strom become our county administrator? To throw shots at someone who voted against you is not the kind of behavior I would want for an endorsement. If I was a political candidate running for local office, there are a number of things I might request of others, but having an endorsement from an abject failure of a prosecutor and a bumbling disappointment as county administrator is not one of them. To put it simply, Mr. Strom is the last person to be endorsing anyone, let alone taking cheap shots at the other candidate.

I can’t believe that Mr. Strom had the gall to say that Commissioner David Moyle was not professional or focused. Professional and focused was not something that Delta County received from Mr. Strom. Obviously David Moyle saw something in Mr. Strom that the rest of the commission didn’t. Looking back at the performance on the case in Rapid River, leaving those two beautiful girls unprotected, thinking about the performance as the county administrator, costing our county precious money, the whole thing would make one think that Mr. Strom would be the last person to throw cheap shots at David Moyle. The two children that Mr. Strom wanted to place back in the neglectful abusive home are doing very well now. I understand that the county is doing well with the new administrator too, no thanks to you again Mr. Strom. Your letter stating that David Moyle was unprofessional just could not go ignored. Mr. Strom should not be talking about qualities he does not possess. Commissioner Moyle spearheaded the Second Amendment Sanctuary movement for Delta County. Additionally Moyle fought for the Child Advocacy Center, while you fought to return abused kids to the abusive parents. I also understand that Commissioner Moyle has the endorsement of the Delta County Road Patrol Deputies Association. Mr. Strom if you know anything, it is how to be unprofessional.

Julie Hoffmeyer



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