Wildlife Unlimited, DNR installs new benches at Portage Marsh

Michigan DNR photo Michigan Department of Natural Resources wildlife biologist Joe Sage tries out one of the new benches at Portage Marsh.
ESCANABA — Visitors to Portage Marsh Wildlife Management Area in Delta County now have enhanced opportunities to enjoy the scenic shoreline along Lake Michigan.
The Michigan Department of Natural Resources Wildlife Division recently installed two new resting benches at the site that were paid for by Wildlife Unlimited of Delta County.
Forty percent of Wildlife Unlimited of Delta County’s annual banquet proceeds go to various projects that range from providing funding for osprey nesting platforms, purple martin houses, spawning habitat for trout, lighting at boating access sites, monarch butterfly tagging, bluebird and bat houses and much more.
“Half of our things are educational and the other half benefit wildlife, whether it’s birds, fish, anything,” said Ed McCarthy, project coordinator for Wildlife Unlimited of Delta County.
Projects for the coming year are reviewed, and funding approvals are voted on, at Wildlife Unlimited of Delta County’s January meetings. The group produces an annual newsletter that showcases projects it funds, McCarthy said.
The Portage Marsh Wildlife Management Area is a 600-acre coastal wetland complex in Delta County, located on the shore of Lake Michigan. The area is home to over 100 species of wildlife, including several state-threatened bird species, like least bitterns and black and common terns. Visitors can explore the diverse habitats, including open water, cattail marsh, wet meadow, shrub thickets, interdunal pools and the Portage Creek mouth.
Visitors can also experience a diverse range of activities to engage with the natural beauty of this unique ecosystem, including hiking, birdwatching, dog walking, trapping, photography, hunting, kayaking and canoeing.
“The two new resting benches are located along a 1-mile walking trail at the marsh,” said DNR wildlife biologist Joe Sage, of Escanaba. “This site is heavily used by diverse users and these benches were strategically placed to offer both ample resting opportunities but also offer views of Lake Michigan and Portage Bay.”
The benches, which cost a total of $1,500, were installed in September. Sage and DNR wildlife technicians Colter Lubben of Escanaba and Caleb Eckloff of Marquette poured concrete slabs and installed the benches.
To learn more about DNR wildlife management areas, visit the department’s webpage.