Holiday homes sparkle in Gladstone

R. R. Branstrom | Daily Press Lights twinkle at 1225 Minnesota Ave. in Gladstone, the first place winner of the city’s 2024 holiday home decorating contest which returned this year.

GLADSTONE — In the city on the bay nicknamed “Happy Rock,” a number of festive residences participated in a holiday home decorating contest with cash prizes sponsored by WPPI Energy. A suggested tour route of the city includes the registered contestants and also many other well-decorated homes on Wisconsin, Minnesota, Dakota and Superior Avenues. The champion of this year’s contest, at the corner of Minnesota Avenue and 13th Street, is tastefully decorated at the front, side and rear.
Though it returned in 2024 after a brief hiatus, Gladstone’s home decorating contest is not a new conception. A 1937 Daily Press article read that Einar Olson announced the prizes had been set at $10, $5, $3 and $2, and that “vandalism which marred the efforts of home contestants last year will be guarded against.”
In 1949, the contest was sponsored by the Chamber of Commerce, and winners were chosen “based on originality,” with one selected from each of three districts in town, with the prizes totalling $45.
This year, there was a first, second and third place, with a total of $1,000 being awarded ($750 for first, $150 for second and $100 for third). To be eligible to enter, participants were to either reside within city limits or use city electric services and be registered by Sunday, Dec. 15.
Judges for the contest were City Manager Eric Buckman, Downtown Development Authority (DDA) Board Chair Jay Bostwick, and resident
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Cathy Sjoquist — a member of the Parks and Recreation Board who volunteers her time to maintain flower beds around the city and was “an obvious choice due to her unwavering commitment to keeping Gladstone beautiful and vibrant,” as DDA Director Patricia West put it.
The winners are as follows:
First place went to 1225 Minnesota Ave. The corner lot featured an arch of blue lights over the front walkway, a group of illuminated faux snowmen in the yard, colored lights on the back porch and gate, and icicle lights on the eaves.
518 Wisconsin Ave. took second place. There, colorful lights traced the frame of the home and its doors, garland wrapped around the front porch columns, and glowing deer and a few inflatables stood in the yard.
Third place was awarded to 1014 Superior Ave., where an inflatable football-holding Snoopy — apparently a Minnesota Vikings fan — sat atop his doghouse, which read “Vikings” across its roof. A spruce tree in the yard was strung with purple and gold lights.
Less than ten homes signed up for the contest, and the DDA hopes to see momentum grow next year, but the number of Gladstone residences with bright lights and holiday decorations is quite higher than those on the list. For light-peepers, an evening drive or stroll through town will reveal them.