Community Foundation backs Eagle Scout project
Willard Carne, Sr., Board Chair of the Community Foundation for Delta County Grants Committee is pictured presenting a $2,000 check to Boy Scout Troop 411, Eagle Scout Candidate Blake Pfister. After the Grants Committee reviewed, discussed and made their final decisions on all of the April grant applications received, the Boy Scout Troop 411 Eagle Scout Project – Timber Sports Pavilion application was one of many approved. The committee liked the vision, ambition and benefit the Timber Sports Pavilion would bring to the community. Eagle Scout Candidate Pfister was excited to hear of their grant application being approved and couldn’t wait to get started on the project. He commented, “We are so thankful to the Community Foundation for Delta County Grants Committee for approving our grant application. The renovation needed to make animal stables into a Timber Sports Pavilion is a lot of work but once done will be a great place for the Great Lakes Timber Show to put on their performance and for people to learn about our history and timber industry. Not only am I working on the renovation, I’m a log roller myself. We are looking forward to performing for the American Queen Voyages passengers, our community and during the U. P. State Fair.”