U.P. Energy Task Force posts draft propane report
LANSING — The U.P. Energy Task Force publicly released 14 draft recommendations it is making to the governor on propane availability in the Upper Peninsula. The recommendations are posted to the Task Force’s website along with a technical report on propane and possible impacts if delivery were to be interrupted.
The draft of the Upper Peninsula Energy Task Force Committee Recommendations: Part I – Propane Supply and the Analysis of Propane Supply Alternatives for Michigan can be found at Michigan.gov/UPEnergyTaskForce.
The public can comment on the recommendations through 5 p.m. April 6 by:
Email to EGLE-UPEnergy@Michigan.gov
Postal mail to U.P. Energy Task Force
c/o Michigan Dept. of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy
Attn.: James Clift, Deputy Director
P.O. Box 30473
Lansing, MI 48909-7973
All comments will be shared with U.P. Energy Task Force members for possible inclusion into the final report, which is due to Gov. Gretchen Whitmer by April 17.
The draft recommendations suggest actions the Governor, Legislature, and state agencies can take to better track and anticipate supply and distribution, increase storage capacity, bolster supply infrastructure, minimize disruption impact, consumer protections, and provide a more cohesive plan for those who are disproportionately affected by high energy costs in the U.P.
Gov. Whitmer’s Executive Order outlined specific goals for the U.P. Energy Task Force:
– Assess the U.P.’s overall energy needs and how they are being met.
– Formulate alternative solutions for meeting the U.P.’s energy needs, with a focus on security, reliability, affordability, and environmental soundness. This includes, but is not limited to, alternative means to supply the energy sources used by U.P. residents, and alternatives to those energy sources.
– Identify and evaluate potential changes that could occur to energy supply and distribution in the U.P.; the economic, environmental, and other impacts of such changes; and alternatives for meeting the U.P.’s energy needs due to such changes.
A full report on overall U.P. energy issues and alternatives is due to Gov. Whitmer by March 31, 2021.