Getting the very last drop
Dear Heloise: You’ve said this before, but it bears repeating. Products in squeezable tube containers (makeup, moisturizers, creams, etc.) often has two or three more applications left in the tube. Cut the tube in half when you can no longer squeeze out the rest of the product. You will find much more usable product left clinging to the inner area. Use a wooden “popsicle” stick to get it all out! — Jeanne Parsley, Windcrest, Texas
Dear Heloise: This is an oldie you used long ago that’s worth repeating. After using your flashlight, open it up and turn one battery, or both, upside down. Store them in the flashlight. The batteries won’t deteriorate and will last for a very long time. Reinsert the batteries when you need to use the flashlight again. Thanks, Heloise. — Louise McQuillen, via email
Dear Heloise: Here’s a use for those spindles that paper towels and toilet paper come wrapped around. Stuff them with newspaper and use them when packing items in a box to ship. It keeps the contents from moving around. — Locutus, via email
Dear Heloise: In a recent newspaper, I read the letter about what to give a groom for a wedding gift, as it seems that most gifts are for the bride, even though some may be useful for both.
We grew up with lots of friends whose children were all getting married. We decided that the perfect gift was to get a toolbox and fill it full of tools that anyone, even a bride, might want to use. We would also add things that usually don’t come in a small toolbox, such as a power tool. We all pooled our resources so that the gift would be more complete.
This gift was so appreciated, and the grooms were especially thrilled. And as a little side joke, someone might put a pair of handcuffs in the toolbox for the honeymoon. — Karen Greding, Thousand Oaks, California
Dear Heloise: I would like to remind everyone to be considerate of others when parking your car in a lot. Please park straight and keep within the lines. There’s nothing more frustrating when parking is limited and more than one space is taken for just one vehicle. Thank you! — J.L., in North Dakota
Dear Heloise: Two years ago, I remodeled my kitchen with new vinyl floors, cabinets, countertops, plumbing, etc. I didn’t want to line my new cabinets and drawers with shelf paper, as I have done for over 50 years, so I went to a home improvement store and bought some thin indoor/outdoor carpet. I lined all but two shelves and all of my drawers with it. It’s wonderful!
I used some leftover vinyl flooring to line one shelf (for oily things like syrup, cooking oil, etc.), as well as the spaces under my kitchen sink and bathroom sink. I sure wish I would have thought about doing this years ago. It doesn’t slide around, and everything stays put. — R.M., in California
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Hints from Heloise run occasionally in Lifestyles. Readers may send a hint to Heloise, P.O. Box 795000, San Antonio, Texas 78279-5000, fax it to 210-HELOISE, or email: Letters won’t be answered personally.