
Dream Weaver Children’s Museum being formed

Courtesy photo Organizers of the Dream Weaver Children’s Museum pause for a photo. The museum is being launched in honor of Tara and Jerry Weaver.

ESCANABA — Escanaba will soon be the home of a children’s museum. The Dream Weaver Children’s Museum (DWCM) project was launched in honor of Tara and Jerry Weaver, an Escanaba couple who passed away in a car accident in January 2023.

Tara was the early childhood director at the Delta-Schoolcraft ISD, and her passion for community, as well as Jerry’s, was evident in the countless ways they gave back, beyond their daily work.

Tara had always seen the need for a children’s museum, and was planning to facilitate that process. It seemed fitting to her family, friends and co-workers to choose to honor their dedication to the community by bringing that dream to fruition. In honor of Tara’s birthday, May 25, the museum advisory committee is excited to share some updates on the DWCM.

The project is moving along with the support of the Community Foundation, hundreds of community members, local organizations and various business and industry members. The museum advisory committee is currently working with the Delta Chamber of Commerce to navigate building and location options, recently touring a building full of potential and possibilities. Next steps include developing a site plan and forming a committee to work on design and renovation plans. The committee invites anyone with a skill set in this area to join them in this process.

The DWCM advisory committee has been analyzing grant opportunities that may support the museum, and recently submitted their first grant. Site visits to new and established museums are being planned and community surveys have gone out to gather ideas and identify community needs. The museum advisory committee would like to thank everyone that took time to share ideas and needs in the most recent survey, and invite everyone to please keep sharing. The survey information is useful in many areas of the planning and it is exciting to see how the wants and needs of our community align with Tara’s museum dream and DWCM mission to establish a community space that connects all children and families through imagination, exploration and learning.

Another exciting phase of the DWCM project is coming up with a logo for the Dream Weaver Children’s Museum. The committee would like to invite the public to take part in this endeavor with a logo contest. The contest kicks off on June 1 and submissions are due by 5 p.m. on June 30. More details for the logo contest can be found at https://bit.ly/DWCMlogo.

For more information on the Dream Weaver Children’s Museum project, join the “Dream Weaver Museum Updates” Facebook page or contact Andrea Tourangeau at 906-786-9300 ext. 101.


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