
A few ideas for a happy mother

Dear Heloise: 1. Seat up or down? Bless my husband’s parents. He always puts it down! And he taught our son to do the same.

2. For Mother’s Day: Please let our wonderful children and grandchildren know that some of us cannot use fancy soaps, lotions, etc., due to allergies. No fancy food that we cannot eat due to allergies. And no large bouquets; they die within days.

What we would like are questions: “What could you use?” “Can we take you somewhere that you would like to go?” “Is there something in your home you could use help with?” And for the shut-ins, postage stamps, boxes of greeting cards, non-smudge writing pens, etc., make great gifts. We don’t mean to be picky, but money spent on items not used is such a waste.

I have been reading your column since we were in Oregon, Spokane and wherever our father was stationed. I saw you once in one of those locations with your beautiful gray hair. My daughter-in-law began turning gray at 30. You both are beautiful! — Jean, an 89-year-old dedicated reader in San Antonio


Dear Readers: When you notice that your shower doors have water spots, vinegar to the rescue! Spray full-strength white vinegar onto the glass and let it sit for about 30 minutes. Then rinse off with water. Dry with paper or cloth towels. — Heloise


Dear Heloise: I have found that the best way to use all of the lotion in a pump container is to use a screw-on top from any plastic soda container when the lotion gets too low to pump. It will screw right on, and you can turn the container upside down and very easily get the remainder out when needed. It’s amazing how much is still in there. — Mike in Wisconsin


Dear Heloise: I’ve read a couple hints about making it easier to find one’s car in a parking lot. Having a common model in white, I found a fun answer that works well for me. While many people decorate their homes for various seasons and holidays, I decorate my car. I buy tinsel garlands at my local hobby store and wrap them around the luggage bars across the top of my car, securing them with twist ties. I use red for Christmas to Valentine’s Day; green for St. Patrick’s Day through spring; red, white and blue for Memorial Day to Independence Day; and fall-colored leaves in autumn, etc. I’ve had strangers comment that they like my decorations. When I tell them it helps me find my car in parking lots, they compliment me on my idea. It makes me smile! — Kathryn M., Colorado Springs, Colorado


Dear Heloise: Take it from a kitchen pro. Plastic cutting boards are harder than wooden ones, so they dull knives quicker. — Louise Richter, Reseda, California

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Hints from Heloise run occasionally in Lifestyles. Readers may send a hint to Heloise, P.O. Box 795000, San Antonio, Texas 78279-5000, fax it to 210-HELOISE, or email: Heloise@Heloise.com. Letters won’t be answered personally.


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