
Support the Community Action Agency Aug. 7


Have you ever sent a card to a loved one? It is easy. You simply drive to a pharmacy, Sayklly’s or your favorite grocery and purchase an appropriate card for a couple dollars. Drive home and enter thoughtful comments before placing the card in an envelope for mailing. After driving to the post office and returning home, you should enjoy a feeling of satisfaction. What did it cost you for the card, stamp and gasoline? Hint: That thoughtful card was more expensive for you than the monthly support requested by the Community Action Agency (CAA) for Senior Services.

I served on the CAA Board for 22 years and observed closely the many services provided to families throughout Delta County. CAA commitment was outstanding and remains so; however,

your support is also a continuing need. I look at it this way: I loved my mom and dad, my brother, my sister and her husband, my mother-in-law and father-in-law. They all were touched in some way from CAA. I also needed home health service this year after serious surgery. CAA was always available and thankfully so. And it was available for less than the price of a card per month.

If you have family or friends that are loved and want to protect them and yourself as years go by, please vote for the CAA millage on Aug. 7th. Show your love and enjoy satisfaction.

Doug Bovin

Nahma Township


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