
The uncommitted voter


It seems prudent that a “last call” be made to the uncommitted voter. If the independent voter is really going to decide the 2024 election, it is best they are armed with the truth. Interestingly, I have heard from the pulpit of both Catholic and Protestant clergy, “deliver the truth, whatever the cost.” To this statement, one can only say, Amen!

With this in mind, ask yourself, “are you living the best version of yourself” or are you settling for something less? Be honest, do you obey your conscience or do you fall prey to peer pressure? When contemplating who deserves your vote, you don’t need the Church, or the Bible, to know something is right or wrong. It’s innate, natural…it is God-given. You can use your eyes, your senses. You can know a healthy tree by its fruit. Has the current administration produced good, healthy fruit or bad, unhealthy fruit?

Did you know that President Obama is on record as saying, “we need to fundamentally change America…as we are no longer a Christian country.” Have the changes we have made make America look healthy or unhealthy? Does it bother you that Democratic governmental leaders shut down churches and left marijuana stores open during COVID? When they closed the doors to churches, I wonder if they are aware that those that attend church live, on average, five years longer than those who choose not to attend. Could this statement be true, “what good does it do to gain the whole world and lose your soul?”

Given our current trajectory, here is what was said about the Cold War battle (1976) against atheistic communism dominating a country, a nation, a world, “We are now standing in the face of the greatest historical confrontation humanity has gone through. I don’t think the American society or wide circles of the Christian community realize this fully.”

Ironically, all of America, at that time, recognized the problems and the fears of our country being taken over by a communist nation. Why, then, in 2024, the idea of a socialistic government doesn’t seem so frightening today? What has happened that we don’t recognize the dangers and fears that should be associated with a socialistic government? Sin blinds. The sinner-turned-saint, Augustine, sums it up best, “at the time, I didn’t know I was so bad, I didn’t think I was wrong.” Keep this fact in mind, especially when voting, every empire that lost its lofty position (Byzantine, Medo-Persian, Roman, etc.), lost it by first falling apart within.

Back to our early example, “if the tree (government) is producing bad fruit, it is not long before the tree perishes.” Consequently, it seems best to make a final appeal to the 2024 voter. Did you know the Christian voting block is the largest in America. Did you know in the last election, 30,000,000 Christians did not vote? Let’s prove President Obama wrong and show the nation, the world, God is not dead! Vote your conscience!

Mike Cousineau


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