
Negative ads


I am deeply disappointed by the recent negative advertisements from Jen Hill’s campaign targeting Karl Bohnak. These ads are not only filled with juvenile and misleading attacks, but they also reflect poorly on the kind of leadership Hill represents.

Rather than offering concrete ideas or a positive vision for the Upper Peninsula’s future, she has chosen to resort to schoolyard tactics and falsehoods in an attempt to discredit her opponent.

What Jen Hill’s negative campaign reveals is a lack of substance. She offers no clear plan for our future, no vision for our community’s growth, and no solutions for the challenges we face. Instead, she uses her platform to attack Karl Bohnak with immature and baseless insults. This is not the type of conduct we should tolerate from someone seeking to represent us in Lansing.

Karl Bohnak, on the other hand, has shown he is a man of integrity and purpose. He has a clear vision for the future of the U.P. and has laid out practical steps to address the issues that matter most to us, such as economic development, protecting our natural resources, and improving infrastructure. Karl offers a constructive path forward, one that is built on competence and foresight.

If we want to put effective leadership in Lansing, the first step is rejecting the kind of dirty politics Jen Hill has chosen to embrace. Our region deserves better.

Let’s support a candidate who has a real plan to move us forward, not one who hides behind negative ads and personal attacks.

Gregory Tolman Sr.


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