
Code enforcement


Some time ago, the Daily Press had a story about code enforcement. There seems to be a lot of emphasis on grass/lawns. I believe there should be some hard-core enforcement of other things. Example is a house which needs a visit from the TV show “Hoarders.” At least, a health department inspection. There are several houses like that, that I see on a daily basis. I know of an incident where a man had four vehicles, all licensed and insured, on his property and still got a $100 fine. Years ago, I had my nephew’s truck parked in my yard. O’Toole was the boss back then. He actually sent a tow truck to remove it. No call from him. Gene’s happened to call and I saved the truck. My nephew was in Iraq, serving the country. I could point out several places but I fear there might be retribution so I won’t name businesses and mechanic’s “junkyards.” If you do any driving, you know where.

Tom Grant



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