Candidate endorsement
I served on the Delta County Board of Commissioners with Commissioner John Malnor and support him for re-election in the upcoming election.
Mr. Malnor has integrity and always has and will continue to put the best interests of the county as his main objective in serving this county. He puts a lot of time into performing his duties and attends many meetings to gather information on current issues within this county.
He does his homework and comes to meetings well informed before making important decisions that affect everyone in this county. He is honest and has lived in this community his entire life and knows the issues that affect this county.
He will represent our community and make his decisions and cast his vote in the best interests of his representative district. I urge you to cast your vote for a candidate who has and will continue to keep your best interests in mind.
A vote for John Malnor is a vote for someone who has done a good job and someone who knows the time required to do this and I completely support him.
Mary Kay Harrington