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The definition of bias: “prejudice in favor of or against a thing or a person.”

Journalism was born with the premise of “no matter how the facts play out, drive toward truth.” Report only the truth is the mantra once purported by all journalist…until the first news article was written. The same can be said of all radio/television broadcasts. They too fall prey to bias. Every news article written or reported is guilty of bias. Don’t take my word for it. Look for yourself, and you will easily spot the direction the reporter is pushing.

Why news organizations would be so willing to move away from a neutral position and simply report both sides of a story, allowing the reader/listener to decide for themselves which position is best, makes no sense. They have become too willing to shape their own agenda/ideology that they aren’t easily trusted. Even when reporting poll numbers on a particular topic, they may skew the numbers by hand-picking which group of people they want to poll.

Given the current culture we live in, I decided to conduct a poll. I posed this question to as many people that I could find one day: “If you were guaranteed to receive one of the following simply by asking for it, which of these three would you select? 1) all the money you would ever need; 2) total power, you’re in charge; 3) or, peace of mind.” Every person polled answered the same thing, “I’d choose peace of mind hands down.”

This fact causes me to believe even those who try to shape our thinking with their particular bias, they too, still covet peace of mind. Yet, why is peace of mind so elusive? Because many have been deceived into thinking peace of mind can be achieved by money and power.

If this seems hard to believe, look at what our government is pushing: 1) Somebody thought it a good idea to open our borders and allow 10,000,000 unvetted immigrants into our country. Why? 2) Somebody thought it a good idea to push a transgender ideology. Why would they do that when they know that the life expectancy of someone who goes through with the prescribed procedures will automatically inherit a life expectancy of forty, and the suicide rate for these people literally explodes? 3) Further, why would they push legislation not allowing the parents of these kids to counsel with them before proceeding? 4) Why was it necessary to create a new department with a $450,000,000 budget to promote equality, justice and inclusion, yet the conservative voice is silenced?

Do you see any prejudice with these policies? If the government would stop acting like they’re God, perhaps “for the people” becomes plausible again? The real answer to all this nonsense, “Love God and love your neighbor.” All bias solved!

Mike Cousineau



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