
Letter response


This is in response to the letter of Kaye Rowlands, printed on 3/27. Full disclosure: Kaye did send me a copy prior to printing, and we are acquainted. I was an assessor when Kaye worked in Equalization. Our relationship was pleasant and she provided professional assistance and significant instruction. I respect her courtesy of the letter and her helping me realize my shortcomings in assessing.

Regarding her comments on my reaction to the death threats. I read the condemnations and feel they are real. I am, however, still wondering why these same people were less forthcoming when slights against the commissioners during meetings, in letters/articles in the paper and especially accusations and threats were posted on social media. To selectively condemn the death threat, but not the vehement hate that preceded it (and possibly caused it) is truly hypocritical.

I take no pleasure nor see humor in threats of physical violence. I’ve had them against me in the past.

I can’t comment on your employment with the county other than my statement above and I can’t compete with your historic knowledge. I have no doubt you were a dedicated employee and our few discussions regarding union matters further demonstrated your commitment to proper outcomes. But each cycle of county leadership must deal with unique situations as they occur. Would you want union/management matters made public in the manner they were regarding the decisions by the commissioners? Not everything is proper for public judgement, and I believe this faulty means of decision making is at the root of the bitter reaction of many people.

I continue to have concerns about the candidates to replace the commissioners. I have heard almost nothing regarding their policies toward such important issues for the county as, infrastructure maintenance and upgrades, the airport, recreational possibilities, attracting new business and tourism, general budget concerns, housing and development, etc. Let’s remember only part of the county may vote on this matter, but all of us will be affected by the outcome. Voting for someone simply because they are “Not somebody else” is a dangerous choice. I don’t like the fact I have no voice in this matter (other than here), but will still be bound by the results.

Kaye, I respect your courtesy in informing me of the upcoming letter, and your “take-no-used-food” approach when expressing your opinion. I think we have that in common. Till we meet again.

Michael A. Glass



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