
Chicken Little


Last evening, December 7, 2023, I watched the Escanaba City Council on YouTube, vote not to send the city chicken ordinance for a second public hearing. Ms. Karen Moore made the motion to move the chicken ordinance to second public hearing and it died. All the roosters sat there on their perch and said nothing… no “Cock-A-Doodle-Do.” The chicken ordinance stated no roosters. Thank you Ms. Karen Moore the lonely hen.

We all know the children book, “Chicken Little” written by Steven Kellogg. The story about the sky is falling when an acorn falls on its head. Paranoia and mass hysteria.

Well, apparently Mr. Tyler Dubord, which I took the liberty to name him Cocky Locky, thought the sky is falling because some folks in our city have been raising cooped up hens for their personal use and didn’t’ want the chicken ordinance changed.

I listened to Cocky Locky, Mr. Tyler Dubord go on and on about the noise of six hens, the stink and the large amount of manure from six hens, dogs barking at six hens, rodents running out of control, more work for code enforcement and on and on… and yet, I remember Cocky Locky wanting our city to become more progressive with letting side by sides ride our city streets and then Turkey Lurkey did a little Cock-A-Doodle-Doo.

Turkey Lurkey, Mr. Ron Beauchamp, which I took the liberty to name him. Turkey Lurkey, didn’t attend the planning commissioners meeting as liaison for the city when the chicken ordinance was on the agenda. And yet he stated he wished someone from the planning commission was in attendance for the city council meeting last evening. Mr. Beauchamp could have requested the administration to invite someone from the planning commission to attend but failed to do so and then Goosey Loosey did a little Cock-A-Doodle-Doo.

Mayor Mark Ammel, which I took the liberty to name, Goosey Loosey felt bad that Tyler Anthony from the city was being made out to be the bad guy because he did all the research on the chicken ordinance and yet, the sky is still falling.

And don’t forget Ducky Lucky, Mr. Todd Flath. I took the liberty here again. He sat on his perch and didn’t cluck or Cock-A-Doodle-Do.

This book dates back from the early 19th Century…Escanaba City Council roosters showed their true feathers…our city code enforcement will be busy… let there be chicken dinners for Christmas from the city council. Cluck cluck from this old hen.

Ann Fix



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