
Patriotism has to be taught and practiced


It was refreshing to read Jason Dubord’s letter “No American flags” here recently. I have been closely following the demise of our republic for over 20 years, and I have seen that type of omission everywhere. I believe it has much to do with the dumbing down of our populace which includes political correctness. Having the education to know centuries of history and repression of peoples and the devastation that follows, brings us to the study of our great nation. We are a democratic republic…not a true democracy, yet most of our popular teachings do not differentiate between the two…much less understand how incredibly fortunate we are as (still) citizens…rather than subjects. Yes, our Founders fought with everything they had, including all of their wealth, to give us lives of untold liberties in other countries.The penning of our founding documents was not accomplished by fools. They were extremely intelligent people who wanted to see a better country for all of its citizens. One of the main differences in us vs other countries is that we are the only country with a Second Amendment. Know that if we ever lose it, we will surely never get it back, yet so many are fighting to rid ourselves of such an important tool in maintaining our liberties and our country itself. Today, we see an unbelievably high number of representatives and many of their constituants, fighting diligently to remove many of our once safeguarded liberties. Laws are changed within our courts by judges who think they know better than our written laws, which only encourages more lawlessness. Jason writes about the absence of our flags on Ludington Street. I agree with him wholeheartedly, yet my mind searches for other patriotic displays other than the very important Memorial Day, where we praise and thank our intelligent and courageous veterans for serving to protect our liberties and many losing their lives, leaving families behind and fatherless or motherless. Over 365 days in each year, you would think that our citizens would find many opportunities to show our pride in the greatest country ever to exist. God Bless America.

Maureen Potvin

Bark River


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