The signature drive continues
The Daily Press reported in a headline that the Ralph Blasier recall petition failed. The headline was followed by context that indicated the petition did not have enough signatures for the November election ballot, but readers don’t always read beyond such a decisive headline. Local news outlets also reported the petition had failed. Placing this recall on the ballot is the goal. It was recognized early on that getting 1,200 plus signatures by July 28 to make the November ballot would have been extremely difficult to achieve in these pandemic times.
The recall language, submitted to the city on June 9, was reviewed and approved Monday, June 29. The petition then had to go to a printer before any signatures could be collected. The first signature was collected on July 1. Sixty days are allowed from that date to get the required number of valid signatures before the July 1 signatures become invalid. However, another 120 days can be used to collect new signatures or have the original signatures renewed.
We will continue working to collect signatures without endangering anyone’s health. Please call 906-241-9438 for information on the location and timing of the next collection point, or leave a message and we will come to your home (mask on, sanitizer, clean pen, etc.). In addition, if you know anyone who wants to sign but has been unable to do so, please pass along the phone number.
We will continue, signature by signature, to collect from supportive City of Escanaba registered voters to get this on the ballot.
Wendy Pepin