

DNR personnel, many others stand ready to battle wild fires

As warmer weather advances in on the region, many people are focused on getting outdoors. However, fire season has arrived along with those warmer, drier conditions, and Michigan Department of Natural Resources firefighters are preparing for the upcoming season using a variety of methods and ...

No shortage of exceptional youth

Every Saturday, the Daily Press has the opportunity to showcase some of the best and brightest students in the area. It’s called the Student of the Week page. Each Saturday, from October through May, students nominated by local school officials are profiled as students of the week. The ...

Tax cuts are better than tax rebates

Michigan finds itself in the rare spot of having more money coming into the state budget than it needs to run the state. Both Republican legislative leaders and Democratic Gov. Gretchen Whitmer agree that at least some of the $6 billion in extra funds should be returned to taxpayers. But they ...

Advice on safe mosquito control this summer

With warmer summer weather finally making its appearance, Michiganders are urged to remember to take precautions against mosquitos, ticks, and the diseases they carry. The Michigan Department of Agriculture and Rural Development (MDARD) is providing guidance for safely choosing and using insect ...

Stay safe in the water this summer

The Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (MDHHS) is encouraging residents to maximize the health benefits of swimming while practicing safe and healthy habits. Each of us has a role in preventing illnesses and injuries when we swim, play and relax in the water — during the summer ...

Thought the pandemic was over?

Wow, that didn’t take long. It was only a handful of very short weeks ago that we were able to report in this space that the pandemic seemed to be winding down here and pretty much elsewhere. Fewer cases were being reported, fewer hospitalizations, pretty much everything across the board ...