
LWV book sale was a success

This week’s bouquets go to:

From the Delta County League of Women Voters:

The Delta County League of Women Voters would like to thank the entire community for supporting our used book sale at the Waterfront Art Festival. The donated books we received throughout the year were tremendous once again and we appreciate the loyal book lovers who show up year after year. Special thanks to the Garceau Insurance staff for receiving and storing our donated books throughout the year and to the Bonifas Arts Center for organizing this wonderful event. The profits from our annual fundraiser will support our voter service efforts.


Each Saturday the Daily Press salutes individuals and groups from our area who have had a very positive impact on the way we live.

We identify our bouquet recipients in one of two ways: from Daily Press news pages and from nominations sent in by our readers.

Mail us a postcard or letter identifying your nomination and putting into detail what they’ve done. Include your name, address, and phone number. Send nominations to Saturday Bouquets, The Daily Press, 600 Ludington Street, Escanaba, MI 49829.

They may also be sent to us by going to our Web site, www.dailypress.net, and clicking on the submit news button. Once there, click on “Bouquets” and follow the simple instructions.


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