
Praise for Players de Noc

This week’s bouquets go to:

From Joseph Hellberg of Gladstone:

I can not remember the last time I went to an opening night (where I wasn’t on a stage or in the pit playing my trumpet), but I want to say congratulations to Jeff Woerpel, the entire cast/crew, and production staff. I found myself thoroughly entertained by all aspects of what was happening on stage (and off stage). Knowing most of the cast, I will say that some of the characters caught me by surprise which was wonderful. I kept thinking about how it was almost like watching a combination of Carol Burnett (and friends) and Mr. Bean but with a little touch of Chris Farley. Jon, Pete, Autumn, Robin, and Mark are not just “regulars” on that Players de Noc stage but their expertise from so many productions of their past allowed for one of the best comedies I have seen in a long time. Kudos once again to the entire cast and crew for a job well done.


Each Saturday the Daily Press salutes individuals and groups from our area who have had a very positive impact on the way we live.

We identify our bouquet recipients in one of two ways: from Daily Press news pages and from nominations sent in by our readers.

Mail us a postcard or letter identifying your nomination and putting into detail what they’ve done. Include your name, address, and phone number. Send nominations to Saturday Bouquets, The Daily Press, 600 Ludington Street, Escanaba, MI 49829.


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