
Yes, more Narcan availability is good

Narcan saves lives.

A nasal spray form of the drug naloxone, Narcan reverses the overdose of opioids such as heroin, fentanyl, and oxycodone.

That’s why having it available over the counter is a good thing.

Though they have decreased, opioid deaths remain a serious problem in Michigan, with 1,925 opioid-related deaths between January and September 2022, the most recent data available from the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services. A total of 3,096 people died in 2021.

Emergency rooms across the state saw a total of 21,366 visits for opioid overdoses from January through September of last year, DHHS says. In 2021, ERs saw 31,017 visits.

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration approved Narcan for over-the-counter sales last month. The drug is now available in local pharmacies for $90 to $95, though pharmacists told News staff writer Temi Fadayomi they hope the increased availability will eventually bring prices down.

Local groups like Catholic Human Services and the Northern Michigan Regional Entity also provide Narcan for free and there is a Narcan vending station in front of the HealthMart pharmacy.

“To me, as a health care provider, having a lifesaving medicine available to the general public is the real thing here,” Alex Senchuk, a pharmacist at LeFave, told Fadayomi.

We support the expanded access to Narcan and hope health care officials continue to work to make it more readily available.

— Alpena News


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