
Trappers rename workshop after expert woodsmen

Photo courtesy of Mike Lewis Bob Steinmetz and a girl’s father hold a mink box in place as the girl attempts to “build” her very own mink box.

HERMANSVILLE — Trappers of District Three announce the Annual New Trappers Workshop — now also known as “The Arduin Brothers Workshop”. It was named in honor of Gino and Rick Arduin of Hermansville. These two men were expert trappers/woodsmen who were very involved with the sport and with UP Trappers District Three. This event was Rick’s idea many years ago and continues successfully today. Gino built countless weasel boxes for the kids.

“I’m sure they would be proud to see it grow in attendance each February,” said Jim Fornetti, a long-time member of U.P. Trappers and friend of Gino and Rick.

The workshop opens at 8 a.m. on February 1 and will run until approximately 2 p.m. (all times CST) at the Community Center in downtown Hermansville. Admission is free and open to the public. The day’s activities will include three trapping demonstrations : Weasels/Red squirrels by Jimmy Fornetti, Raccoons by John Gunville, and Muskrats/Mink by Jeremy Lundin. Each of the presenters engage the audience and welcome questions and comments from the crowd as they explain their methods and tips for trapping these furbearers. They will all stress the importance of legal and humane capture, sportsmanship in the field and above all safety on the trapline. Each attendee will be given age-appropriate trapping start up kits and can build their own mink box with guidance from members of district three. There will be a chance to sign up for Trapper Ed. classes and membership in UP Trappers. The concession stand will be open throughout the day.

Trevor Barnes of Barnes Hide and Fur in lower Michigan will be on hand to buy fur. He will also have a wide selection of trapping gear on sale. Barnes will also answer any question about the fur market. It has become a tradition at the workshop that some old trapper will give a pelt to a youngster and have the kid bring it to Barnes and negotiate a price. We have both the kid and Barnes near a microphone, so all can hear the negotiations. (It seems like Trevor always “caves in” to the youngster’s amount).

“I really like this event,” said Bill (Butch) Pipp, longtime active member of U.P. Trappers. “It’s great to see all the kids showing interest in outdoor activities — especially the number of girls who are attending and adults too who want to begin trapping. It is my hope that they all run their own traplines and enjoy a lifetime of outdoor experiences.”

Member Mike Lewis is the director of this event. If you have any questions Mike can be reached at (906) 774-3592.

Starting at $2.99/week.

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