
Clerk reminds ­residents of ­voting ­procedures

ESCANABA — With Tuesday’s primary election just around the corner, the Delta County Clerk’s Office is asking voters to be mindful of a few things when casting their ballots.

Early voting — which for all county residents takes place at the Wells Township Hall — ended Sunday. Voters who are headed to the polls Tuesday should go to their normal precinct, which is located in their municipality. Only Wells Township residents will be permitted to vote at the Wells Township hall.

Polls are open from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m.

Voters are asked to bring a photo ID with them to the polls. While no voters will be turned away that do not provide photo ID, the process is significantly faster and easier for poll workers when an ID is provided. Those who plan to vote without providing photo ID will be made to fill out additional paperwork at the polls.

It is also important to note that no campaign-related clothing can be worn at a polling location. This includes shirts, hats, buttons or any other item that would advertise a specific candidate inside a polling place.


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