
Escanaba Planning Commission to brief city council

ESCANABA — The Escanaba City Council will hear an update on the city planning commission’s activities Thursday, during the commission’s annual presentation.

The annual report and work plan is a requirement of the Michigan Planning Enabling Act, the state law that gives the commission authority over zoning in the city. A copy of the 14-page document, which will be the basis of the presentation, is included in the agenda packet for the meeting. That packet is available on the city’s website, www.escanaba.org.

The remainder of Thursday’s meeting will revolve around ongoing water and wastewater projects in the city, as well as regular operations at the water and wastewater plants.

First on the docket for the two departments is a request for the council to approve the purchase of chemicals for the plants based on bids received. The city is looking to purchase hydo-fluosilicic acid, aluminum sulfate liquid, dense soda ash, ferric chloride, and liquid chlorine, all of which are necessary chemicals. The materials will come to the city from Minnesota, Wisconsin, Utah, and Kansas.

Next, the wastewater department will request the council approve and retain Underwater Construction Corporation of Racine, Wis. for underwater inspection of the wastewater outfall. The cost of the inspection would not exceed $7,000, and money is available and budgeted for this type of work.

The council will then be asked to approve two separate engineering requests.

The first request is to hire C2AE, of Escanaba, to complete additional engineering work related to the expanded scope of the Clean Water State Revolving Loan Fund (CWSRF) and American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) grant. The wastewater plant is requesting the council approve $251,505 for the engineering work.

The council will then weigh hiring C2AE for engineering services for the 30% base plans related to the Michigan Department of Transportation’s US-2 reconstruction project. The water department is planning infrastructure improvements in the area to take advantage of MDOT’s work so that the road does not need to be disturbed again to do the work in the future. These improvements include potential water main, sanitary sewer, and storm sewer upgrades.

The plans for the US-2 reconstruction area would not exceed $19,250. Money for this type of activity is budgeted and available in the current fiscal year’s budget for the water department.


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