
Bergman, LaFave retain Congress, House seats

ESCANABA — As Americans continue to wait for a final verdict on who will serve in the White House, the Upper Peninsula can confidently say who will represent it in Congress and at the state level.

While not all of the precincts had reported their vote totals for the U.S. House, Republican Jack Bergman was named the winner of the race for Michigan’s 1st District, defending his seat from Democratic Challenger Dana Ferguson. Of the votes cast at the 496 precincts reporting (99% of precincts in the race) Bergman received 243,121 votes (61%), while Ferguson received 150,970 (38%).

In the race for the Michigan House of Representatives’ 108th District, Republican incumbent Beau LaFave, of Iron Mountain, defended his seat against Democratic challenger Renee Richer, of Escanaba Township. LaFave received 29,411 votes (64%) and Richer received 16,791 votes (36%).


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