
Escanaba library to host author Abra Berens

ESCANABA — Escanaba Public Library announces an Author Talk with 2024 U.P. Notable Books author Abra Berens who will present her latest book Pulp-A Practical Guide to Cooking with Fruit on Wednesday, June 5 at 5 p.m. in the library.

Pulp is the beautiful follow-up to Abra Berens’s Ruffage and Grist, with more than 215 recipes and variations for using fruit grown in the Midwest in sweet and savory recipes to highlight seasonality and flavor. Pulp is a hardworking book of recipes that focuses on all the ways fruit can enhance simple, delicious mains–for example, by elevating roasted vegetables, garnishing soup, or adding perfume to a roasted pork or brisket.

Abra Berens is the executive chef at Granor Farm in Three Oaks, MI, and author of Ruffage, which was a 2019 Michigan Notable Book winner, and was nominated for a James Beard Award. Abra started her chef career at the storied Zingerman’s Deli in Ann Arbor, MI before going on to train in the garden-focused kitchen at Ballymaloe Cookery School in Cork, Ireland. In 2009, she founded Bare Knuckle Farm in Northport, MI, where she farmed and

cooked for 8 years, and then returned to the kitchen full time to open Local Foods Chicago, Ill. As the current executive chef at Michigan’s Granor Farm, Abra creates all of her dishes using ingredients from the restaurant’s organic farm and hosts popular one-of-kind dinner events with the goal of connecting people with the best of South West Michigan’s diverse agriculture.

There is no registration or charge for this program and everyone is welcome.

This program is made possible with the generous support of the Library of Michigan, the Library of Michigan Foundation, and the Michigan Humanities which is funded in part by the National Endowment for the Humanities.


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