
Bay honors 2024 All-Michigan Academic Team

ESCANABA — The Michigan Community College Association (MCCA) and Bay College are honoring the 2024 All-Michigan Academic Team. Students are selected based on academic achievement, community service involvement, and leadership accomplishment. The State Academic Teams are a division of the Academic All-American Team for Community, Technical, and Junior College Students, and is an international program sponsored annually by Phi Theta Kappa (PTK) and the American Association of Community Colleges. Bay College would like to congratulate Lauren Denny and Cade LaFavor as being named Bay College’s representatives on the Phi Theta Kappa All-Michigan Academic Team.

Lauren Denny graduated from Bay College this spring with an associates of science in social work. She plans to further her degree at Northern Michigan University in the fall. Denny is a graduate of the TRIO Program, as well as honor programs. She volunteered her time at numerous Bay College sponsored events, as well as locally in the Negaunee and Marquette areas. She hopes someday to make a drastic, yet progressive step towards a better social work system in the Upper Peninsula with a concentration on youth and family issues.

Cade LaFavor is attending Bay College to pursue an associates of science in general science and concentrating on electrical engineering. He played on the Men’s Norse Basketball team during his time at Bay College. Through his hard work towards his education and dedication to basketball, he managed to hold his Dean’s List GPA during his time. He grew up in Minnesota with three siblings (one of which being a twin brother), and also took five years of Latin in high school.


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