
Forest landowners invited to bat conservation meeting

MARQUETTE — Forest landowners are invited to join the Michigan Department of Natural Resources and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Tuesday, Aug. 15, in Marquette to learn about new bat conservation requirements that follow recent listings under the federal Endangered Species Act. DNR and USFWS staff will discuss options that can reduce harm to bat species during management activities such as logging.

Bat populations are in decline due to white-nose syndrome, a fungal disease. The Indiana bat and northern long-eared bat are listed as federally endangered, with several other cave-dwelling species at risk.

The meeting will run from 10 a.m. to noon EDT at the Marquette Township Community Center, 1000 Commerce Drive, Marquette.

The meeting is open to everyone. It will be especially helpful for landowners with 10,000 or more acres and whose property contains or is near a known bat hibernation site, called a hibernaculum.

Meeting topics will include:

– Why bats are of conservation concern.

– How landowners can assess risk to bats under the federal Endangered Species Act.

– Tools available to landowners, including the Information for Planning and Consultation environmental review tool and the Lakes States Forest Management Bat Habitat Conservation Plan Landowner Enrollment Program.


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