
Rock Labor Day Celebration is Sept. 1

ROCK — The 75th annual Rock Lions Labor Day Celebration will take place on Saturday, Sept. 1 with the parade at 11 a.m.. Parade entries are wanted — there is no charge to enter.

Cash prizes will be awarded in several categories with a $200 top prize. For parade information call or email Kay Holm at (906) 356-6127 and via email at holmkm@gmail.com.

Following the parade there will be activities for all ages. Attractions include: music, mechanical bull, bounce houses, petting zoo, kids tractor pulls, bean bag tournament, bingo, cowpie bingo, flea market, paintball, pasties, burgers, brats, and beer at the Rock Lions Clubhouse grounds. M-35, Rock, MI. The event is sponsored by the Rock Lions, a non-profit service organization that provides funding for charitable organizations and local needs.


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