
Hospital welcomes Englund as VP of Operations

ESCANABA — OSF HealthCare St. Francis Hospital & Medical Group welcomes Travis Englund as its vice president of operations. Englund joins the organization, having most recently served as interim rural division finance officer for Bryan Health in Lincoln, Nebraska. Prior to that, he served as a rural financial consultant, also for Bryan Health.

As vice president of operations, Englund will be accountable for planning, directing, and evaluating the operations for OSF St. Francis and ensuring the provision of expert care services. He will also ensure that OSF St. Francis meets and maintains compliance with all local, state, federal and accrediting agency requirements.

“I am very excited to have Travis in this position as I know the important role it plays in positively impacting our patients and community,” said Kelly Jefferson, President, OSF St. Francis Hospital & Medical Group. “In addition, I believe his previous financial background will also be very valuable in his role.”

Englund earned a bachelor of science from the University of Nebraska. He then went on to earn a Master of Health Administration from Saint Louis University. He and his wife, Emily, recently relocated from Lincoln, Nebraska. The couple enjoys traveling, skiing, and watching live music. In addition, he likes golfing and fishing and simply being outdoors.

“I am looking forward to exploring the area and getting to know and serve the people of Delta County,” Englund said. “Having grown up and worked in rural Nebraska, I appreciate the importance of community and am excited to settle in and call the Upper Peninsula home.”


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