
Column: Telling the story of Delta County

ESCANABA — As the end of the year approaches, we can look back on a successful year for many local businesses in Delta County. New businesses and visitors came to town to be a part of this special community. The pristine parks, waterways, and beaches showcased the area for visitors seeking entertaining music, festivals, sporting events, and much more provided by a host of partners and community sponsors.

An honored guest also made their annual visit, the governor of Michigan Rick Snyder.

The Delta County Chamber, and partnering sponsors, hosted hundreds of visitors for the annual Lunch with the Governor at the U.P. State Fair where guests of the event received a gourmet lunch provided by chamber member restaurants and eateries while listening to the governor speak. The governor spoke about the success of the tourism industry in Michigan and reminded us how important it is for us to tell people where we are. The Pure Michigan campaign is tremendously successful and a shining example of how important it is to tell people about our community.

Delta County is a tourism destination that we all need to promote and share with the world. We need to highlight the sights, sounds, and special opportunities this area has to offer to attract new guests and businesses to the area that will lead to economic development and prosperity for our region.

This is a strong community that works hard to provide a great experience to visitors while they are here. Local businesses and public organizations highlight Delta County and the surrounding areas to let people know where we are and what we have to offer. It is important to tell your story and share information and pictures of your products, location, and customers with media and local organizations that can help spread the word about what we have to offer visitors to this beautiful area. We have so many unique landscapes, products, and services to showcase. Our community will push your message out to the world to raise awareness about this special area.

The Bays de Noc Convention and Visitors Bureau will be making significant investments in the coming year to market this community and we look forward to working together with you in promoting the area to enhance and enrich the economy and community in Delta County while pursuing projects that sustain the area’s heritage, character, and quality of life. Please contact Executive Director Robert Micheau at robert@visitescanaba.com or (906) 789-7862 if you have a unique story to tell about our area or need help getting the word out about your business and products. Let’s tell the world we are in the most beautiful part of the Upper Peninsula of Michigan and have many reasons for them to visit and invest in our special community.

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Robert Micheau is the executive director of the Bays de Noc Convention and Visitors Bureau

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