
Some states’ recycling works well

Dear Heloise: I agree that more of the United States should do away with plastic bags, and this can be done state by state. In Vermont, we don’t have any plastic bags. Everyone mostly brings their own reusable bags when shopping, particularly at the grocery store. If you need a paper bag, it will usually cost you 10 cents. So, you don’t have to go to Canada to experience good recycling practices.

I read your column in the Barre Montpelier Times Argus. — Susanne S., Warren, Vermont


Dear Heloise: I went to a Christmas party last week, and the tables were covered in brand-new plastic tablecloths. At the end of the party during cleanup, they began to throw away the plastic tablecloths. I asked if I could take them home because they are great wrapping paper for large gifts like bicycles, dollhouses, etc. It’s a good way to save. — Corrinne B., Universal City, Texas


Dear Heloise: My stepdaughter gives fabulously wrapped gifts for holidays and events. Hating to throw those materials away, I save them as  memorabilia of the event and as a place to store things. A Christmas-wrapped box can contain lights or decorations; an anniversary box can contain gifts that are displayed in rotation. And it is so easy to look at a shelf and find the box with the appropriate contents. (No more opening lots of boxes!) — Joanne P., in New York

Joanne, if the boxes are so pretty, then it would be a shame to throw them out! Using them for storage is a great use of those holiday memories. It seems like we all have to store seasonal items such as Christmas ornaments, albums, photographs, baby clothes and more. — Heloise


Dear Heloise: When taking down holiday decorations, I make notes of how I decorated for that particular year. For example, I write how I displayed my mantel, how I draped the banister and chandelier, where I placed the bows and specific decorations, etc. I keep these notes with the holiday decorations, and it really helps when decorating the next year.

By the way, I read your column in the St. Louis Post-Dispatch and enjoy your hints! — Nancy P., via email


Dear Heloise: Please, please, please remind your readers that if they gave their loved ones a pet for the holidays, they’re sure that it is wanted and that the recipient is able to love, feed and care for it for the rest of its natural life.

Also, there are thousands of wonderful animals in shelters who need a loving home. Please get a pet from a shelter rather than spending a lot of money getting a dog or cat from a breeder. — Melanie M., Paramount, California


Dear Heloise: I read a letter in your column about protecting toothbrushes from airborne germs. I always rinse my toothbrush with hydrogen peroxide after each use. It is quick, cheap and effective. — D.K.D., in Ohio

D.K.D., I keep my toothbrush in my medicine cabinet with the door closed after each brushing. This assures me that my toothbrush is protected from dust, flying insects and germs. — Heloise

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Hints from Heloise run occasionally in Lifestyles. Readers may send a hint to Heloise, P.O. Box 795000, San Antonio, Texas 78279-5000, fax it to 210-HELOISE, or email: Heloise@Heloise.com. Letters won’t be answered personally.

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