Holy Name students learn from seminarian

Courtesy photo Holy Name Catholic School’s adopted seminarian, Will Heller, reads in the Holy Name Chapel to HNCS first and second graders the book, “Father Ben gets ready for Mass” by Katie Warner.
ESCANABA — Holy Name Catholic School’s adopted seminarian, Will Heller, who is also a USA Champion Weightlifter, having trained at the USOEC at Northern Michigan University, visited with Holy Name students on Monday, Dec. 16.
Holy Name students made cards for Heller and the fifth grade class put together a care package for him. Students and staff will be praying for Heller as he continues his studies at St. Paul Seminary in St. Paul, Minnesota. Heller is also a graduate of NMU with a degree in exercise science.
Heller read in the Holy Name Chapel to HNCS first and second graders the book, “Father Ben gets ready for Mass” by Katie Warner, in which he taught about the different parts of the Holy Mass. After reading to them, Heller answered questions from students. When one first grader asked why he chose to study to be a Catholic priest, Heller answered, “I want to bring Jesus to the people and the people to Jesus.”